
Book Cover


I'm doing a mix of two tags today and those are the beutiful book covers tag and the book cover tag.
Also some were answered in the bookshelf tag so that is linked here

1. Opinion on morphed covers
I have loads of mismatched series and I am not going to buy new ones if them just to please the eye, but there are some that are just horrible (when considering both size and covers changes).
Which is worse though? Maybe different covers, and when regarding sizes I like them to be soft covers and so the heights match most.
For example I am not bothered at all by my Ice Like Fire books 1&2 of which the first is a hard cover and second not, but the hieghts match!

2. How important is the cover
I like aesthetically nice things and with an ugly cover I might not be even drawn to pick it up, but of course what's inside is more important.

3. What types draw you in
Simplistic and graphical - as in not a real life picture. And I prefer non-neon colors.

4. Book cover pet peeves
Movie cover and "real" people faces & people over all really...

5. Short descriptions or long ones
I prefer shorter ones, but as long as it doesn't spoil too much and makes you intrigued it's good.

6. Features your fave colour
Isla and the Happily Ever After with its greeny tinge

7. Features your least fave colour
I don't like orange so The Distance Between Us

8. Fave classic cover
I love the splinter watercolor covers, but don't own any. So from the ones I own maybe the Barnes&Noble leather editons and the penguin classic fabric ones, also I really love the classic penguin covers that are quite simplistic.

9. Fave childrens book cover
I really like my puffin chalk Editions of which I have Peter Pan

10. Do you buy based on cover
Only for it's cover no, but lots of the time I see a beautiful cover and then look up what it's about and then maybe end up getting it.

Read on lovelies

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