
Three Dark Crowns : review

Kendare Blake

This is the first book in a new series(?) by Kendare Blake, and there won't be any spoilers!

The premise is a darker YA book (with magic) about three queens:
28374007The night the sisters turn sixteen, the battle begins. The last queen standing gets the crown.

Goodreads' link to the book

>I gave this book 2.5 stars
So as usual, I'll tell 2.5 things I liked about the book and 2.5 thing I didn't like.

So what did I think?

First of all three queens & a battle to the death about whom will become the next queen. Great right?
Well I was disappointed. BUT it did have some great elements!
And the battle itself starts in the next book...

+1 |  The idea and premise is so intriguing

+/-0.5 | The writing is gripping but the pace was at times slow.
Also the plot twist in the cliffhanger (the last sentences if you've read it!), was predictable! Anyone else think so?

+/-0.5 | Characters. I liked the sisters well enough, but some of the other main characters not so much. Also so many new characters were introduced I definitely lost track, and because of that I couldn't exactly relate to anyone.
Also I really want to see some character development in the next one!

+/-0.5  | World and building. The world is so interesting so more of it should have been explained!
How did the whole competitions start? What's with the temple? The island's culture?
(Instead of all the romance, which I'll get to at -1 down below)

-1  | Romance. It's not that all the romance was bad - but there was so much of it! I wanted more of the relationships to the sisters and different interests. Also I get that all the sisters are courted by the same guys, but enough with the traingles!

Overall rounding everything up, the book was disappointing but I did enjoy it.
Read on lovelies,

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