
Hawk : review

Hawk by James Patterson

*ARC kindly provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review!*

A story for a new generation of Maximum Ride fans! Max's 17-year-old daughter Hawk is growing up hard and fast in post-apocalyptic New York City . . . until a perilous destiny forces her to take flight.

Goodreads' link to the book!


Firstly I've never read any maximum ride books before, but wanted to give this a go. So if you want to know how it compares, or if it makes justice to the original - read someone else's review.

I think that there would've been plenty of Easter eggs for readers of the original series, but I wasn't confused - even though some things were written as if the reader already knew about it.

In the beginning I really wondered about the target audience and age group, and since the main character, Hawk, is a teen I went with that. When I started reading I agreed, with some "obvs" and even an emoji, in at least the ARC (advanced review copy), but as the book progressed I'm not so sure anymore. Maybe it has to do with the murders and swearing (at least insinuated swearing) - or maybe I'm getting old.

Stars: ✦✦✦
So as usual, I'll tell 4.0 things I liked about the book and 1.0 thing I didn't like.

+/- 0.5 | Believe-ability, but again taking into consideration the target audience.

+/- 0.5 | Characters, a whole variety (and lots!) of them.
And not to say I was overwhelmed with the amount of characters, but maybe if I'd read the previous books I wouldn't have felt like I needed more from some of them?

+1 | World and world building. Especially since it was a new one to me, I found it quite fascinating.

+1 | Writing, story arch and speed 

+1 | Plot and basically entertainment value. I can definitely see why his books are so popular, I feel like I just flew through it!

Read on lovelies,

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