
My Short Reviews Plan

I've been wanting to do more reviews here but they take time. So I decided to start making some VeRy short ones. Maybe two or three at a time that is. I'm not sure how this is going to go so I'll be asking you guys.

Way 1. Should I make ones that answer always the same 5 questions?
Like did it keep you reading and reading, was the world well thought, did the characters grow during it, writing style, who would I recommend it to and how many stars.

Way 2. Should I write only five sentences and sum the whole thing up. Like what was it about, good things, bad things.

Way 3. Telling amounts of what it had and nothing about what it was about. Like did it have humor, romance, action, friendships...

Or I could swap between them always and do one of each for a post or a couple...
Let me know what you guys think :)
As you know you'll reach me best by Tumblr (written on the side there) or by mail:  Stuff931@gmail.com


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