
Unhaul & Maybe Pile


The 5th Wave
All the Bright Places
I Was Here
Geography of You and Me
Boy Nobody
Rebel Belle 1-2
Shadow Society
The Heir
Lips Touch
Nine Lives of Chloe King 1-3
Shadow and Bone (the only one I haven't read from this list)
Anomaly 1-2
Isle of the Lost
Etiquette and Espionage 1-4
Love Letters to the Dead
Dash and Lily's Book of Dares
Every day
Mind Games 1-2
The Squad 1-2
Daughter of Smoke and Bone 1-3
Legend 1-3
Soul Surfer
Teemestarin kirja
Will Grayson, Will Grayson
Christie: Hercules, Baghdad
Raven Boys (I have yet to read the last one, but I will)
The Fault in Our Stars (I had 2 copies)


I've been going through all my books and thinking about which ones to keep.
The thing is I want to look at my shelves and love all the books. So in other words I want to reread all the books I do own.
My problem is 3 star books and series. They are good. And there's the problem: good. I don't love them, would I really reread them? I reread so few books because of time, so would I really choose to reread one that I didn't love?
I used to keep all the books I read because what if as a blogger I'd like to reference back to them? But why would I if I didn't like them and furthermore wouldn't recommend them?

Oh well... So I'm thinking about these things and made a maybe pile into my closet to sort out later:
(This list has also other than 3 star books)

Hex Hall 1-3
Angelfall 1-3
Princess Academy 2-3
Throne of Glass 2-3 (I'm at least keeping the novellas and the 1st one for sentimental reasons)
They All Fall Down
Red Queen (Will I continue to the 3rd book?)
Study in Charlotte (I don't know if I'll continue)
I see London, I see France


Crazy Book Buying Obsession

[Book Tag]

1) Do you have an obsession with buying books?
Some might say yes but I think I'm handling it quite well

2) When, where and how often do you buy your books? Do you go with anyone else or just by yourself?
I actually order most online from Adlibris, which I love! It has free shipping in Finland, it's cheap, fast and has most of what I'm looking for - including non-bookish items.
I've been going through and reducing my TBR so I usually make an order each season and maybe a couple books from the store in between

3) What kind of things attract you to books when browsing them? Is there a specific genre of books you automatically go and look at?
Well where I live there is always one section for English books, so you can pretty much see all of the genres there - hence I I mostly order them

4) Do you prefer to buy new, used or a mixture of both?
I'd like to buy used books, but I don't have a place near me where to buy some, so currently all my used books have come from library sales

5) How much are you willing to spend on books each month?
Hmm, I don't think I've ever bought more than 10 books at a time

6) Have you ever gone on any 'book-buying bans'?
Yup, like I said in Q2 I've been reducing the books I own and haven't read so there have definitely been bans

7) How long does it take you to get around to reading recently bought books?
I usually buy the books I want to read as soon as possible, but in bigger orders there are always a couple books that stay unread for some time (the "oldest" one I currently have is from last christmas)

8) Do you prefer to buy a lot of shorter, cheaper books or just a few longer, more expensive ones?
I've never thought of the length of the book, but if I think something seems a bit pricey I check it out from the library if possible and read it and then think about buying it if I really liked it

9) Anything else to say about these awesome obsessions?
Well, books are great

Read on lovelies,


An Abundance of Katherines : review

John Green

15707124*Book kindly provided by the publisher, Penguin Random House, in exchange for an honest review!*

Having been recently dumped for the nineteenth time by a girl named Katherine, recent high school graduate and former child prodigy Colin sets off on a road trip with his best friend to try to find some new direction in life. 

Goodreads' link to the book!

Stars: ✦✦
So as usual, I'll tell 4 things I liked about the book and 1 thing I didn't like.

So what did I think?

Against the usual comments about this book, I REALLY liked it!
It was peculiar yet informative, but at the same time it has romance and humor & I couldn't help but just enjoy the haphazardness.

+1 |  It's weird and intriguing - entertaining
+1 | Informative - added points for all the graphs
+1 | Characters - I really liked how they talked through what they worry about in life (mattering, making yourself always fit in etc.)
+/-0.5  | Romance - I felt like it needed some extra umph, and things with Hassan just didn't work with me
+/-0.5  | Plot I feel like it needs something more, but I did fly through it which is always great!

The future is unpredictable
Read on lovelies,


John Green Read-Along & Unboxing

*Books kindly provided by the publisher, Penguin Random House, in exchange for honest reviews!*

To prepare for #TurtlesAlltheWayDown@penguinrandomhouse has a countdown read along, with giveaways each week on Goodreads!

Looking for Alaska giveaway link here


🌼 Looking for Alaska Sept. 4-10
👧 Abundance of Katherines 11-17
📌 Paper Towns 18-24
👥 Will Grayson, Will Grayson 25-Oct.1
☁ The Fault in Our Stars 2-8
🐢 Turtles All the Way Down 10-17


So join us this weekend with Looking for Alaska and starting next week with An Abundance of Katherines!

Read on lovelies,
