
Book Related Questions


1. Which book have you read most frequently?
Harry Potter, The Goose-Girl, The Gallagher Academy books and Babe

2. Reading right now and next?
About to start Agatha Christie: Five Little Pigs

3. What distracts you usually when your reading?
N* 1 Youtube...

4. What would cause you to stop reading a book half-way through? Do you ever skim them?
In the past I couldn't not finish a book, but I've learnt to not force it - there's not enough time to continue one that isn't for you
>Also if I'm in a book slump because of a certain book I start listening to audiobooks!

5. Do you have an e-reader?
I use kindle on my iPad

6. Prefer to read one book at a time, or several at once?
Usually one at a time, but at times I have another book like a short story collection if the "main" book I'm reading is a classic or tough to get through.

7. Have your reading habits changed since starting a blog?
Maybe regarding deadlines I've started to rhythm my reading.

8. How often do you read out of your comfort zone?
Not too often, but I've started branching out at least reading a book once a month that I wouldn't normally pick up.

9. Do you like to keep your books organized?
YES! I also love re-arraning my bookshelves. Goodreads is my go to app when cataloguing books, but I also have an excel so I can get all kinds of statistics

10. Can you read on the bus?
Yes, but usually I rather listen to music

11. Favourite place to read?
On my bed or a couch

12. Policy on book lending?
I'm defenitely for lending books

13. Do you dog-ear books? Write in the margins? Not even with text books?
I don't dog-ear them or write text in them, but I do underline and highlight things in all books

14. Favourite language to read in?
English, but I also read some in Finnish

15. What makes you love a book?
I just wrote a post about this and it should be out next week

16. What will inspire you to recommend a book?
All the books that I recommend are either ones I love of think a person in particular will enjoy

17. Genre you rarely read, but wish you did?
Non-fiction, especially biographies and ones that don't have huomour balancing it out

18. Favourite book in that^ genre?
Roald Dahl's Going Solo, Cheaper by the Dozen, We Should Hang Out Sometime and Hyperbole and a Half

19. Favourite reading snack and drink?
I tend to not be able to drink or eat whilst reading, so maybe water

20. Favourite / most disappointing adaption of a novel?
The Maze Runner is the one movie that I liked better than the book,
from book I like I really loved the Lizzy Bennet Diaries and Howl's Moving Castle

21. Feelings about giving bad/negative reviews?
In the start I hated it and tended to just not write reviews on them, but on the other hand I quite like reading negative reviews so I've started writing more about them.

22. Most intimidating book you've ever read? Most intimidating book you're too nervous to begin?
I usually get most intimidated by books that are either really long, or non-fiction without huomour to balance it out for me

23. How many books do you usually have checked out of the library at any given time?
Usually around three, and at least one pretty much at all times

24. What books do you have on request at the library?
Gemina, Crooked Kingdom & A Torch Against the Night

25. Do you prefer to keep books or give them away once you've read them?
Yes and no. I buy books that I'm quite sure I'll enjoy. When I don't I usually get rid of it, but that doesn't happen often. I prefer to read from the library and then buy the book if I loved it.

For favourites/least favourites, genres and other statistics of the year, I'll be doing a wrap up at the end of the month.
Read on lovelies,

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