
Need To Know book review

Need To Know by Karen Cleveland

*e-ARC kindly provided through NetGalley  in exchange for an honest review!*

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"Vivian Miller is a dedicated CIA counterintelligence analyst assigned to uncover the leaders of Russian sleeper cells in the United States. On track for a much-needed promotion, she’s developed a system for identifying Russian agents, seemingly normal people living in plain sight.

Vivian has vowed to defend her country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. But now she’s facing impossible choices. Torn between loyalty and betrayal, allegiance and treason, love and suspicion, who can she trust?"

Goodreads' link to the book!

Stars: ✦✦.5

So as usual, I'll tell 4.5 things I liked about the book and 0.5 thing I didn't like.

+1 | The writing and the way that things were told

+1 | The plot and flow of the story

+1 | It keeps you reading, guessing and at the edge of your seat

+1 | The ending! Throughout the book you think you know things, but then suddenly things are flipped

+/-0.5 | All in all, though interesting it wasn't anything too new

Read on lovelies,

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