
20 Questions Book Tag


20 Questions Book TAG

1) How many books are too many for a series?

Though it really depends two to three books in a series is a sweet spot for me with more than four typically being too much.

2) How do you feel about cliffhangers?

I don't mind them! Having small cliffhangers at the ends of chapters makes the reading go faster, not wanting to put it down. And books that end in cliffhangers makes me want to read the next one, though if it's a long wait it might get frustrating

3) Hardbacks or Paperback?

I like and own both, though I do prefer paperback since I find them easier to read (and they are cheaper!)

4) Favourite Book?

The only answer I can say is Harry Potter. It is sentimental, still loved and got me reading that much more

5) Least Favourite Book?

That is a hard one! I have a Goodreads shelf for DNF books which currently has 20: link. This is not to say I dislike them all, but that at the moment I don't have plans to read them

6) Love Triangles, Yes or No?

Let's just say that they need to be written extremely well in order for me to like it!

7) The Most Recent Book You Couldn’t Finish?

Sorcery and Cecilia, it wasn't bad just not what I wanted at the moment

8) A Book you are Currently Reading?

At the time of writing this it's The Shadows Between Us, though for updated info you can always check my Goodreads: link

9) Last Book you Recommended to Someone?

I gifted Tulevaisuuden lukujärjesty to my father so that I guess? Though it might not count since I read the book myself after him

10) Oldest Book you’ve Read by Publication Date?

Romeo and Juliet 1597

11) Newest Book you’ve Read by Publication Date?

Winterborne Home for Mayhem and Mystery published March 2nd 2021

12) Favourite Author?

Not necessarily favorites, but ones I've read the most from:

Barnes (10), Doyle (10), Meyer (10), Parvela (10), West (10),

Christie (11), Rowling (11), Carter (15), Dahl (17)

13) Buying Books or Borrowing Books?

I do both, but aim to only buy a book if I loved it (meaning I read it first through the library or as an ebook/audiobook)

14) A Book you Dislike but Everyone seems to Love?

I'm not sure about this one!

15) Bookmarks or Dog-Ears?

Bookmarks of the small sticky variety

16) A Book you can always Re-Read?

Harry Potter is one that I can always go back to

17) Can you Read while Listening to Music?


18) One POV or Multiple?

Both, though too many POV gets hard to remember for me

19) Do you Read a Book in One Sitting or Over Multiple Days?

Both, really depending on the book and the time I have

20) Who do you Tag?

Read on lovelies,


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